Meditate on the Self,
One without two,
Exalted awareness.
My nature is light,
Nothing but light.
From my light
The body and the world arise.
I am awareness itself,
No less.
I am pure.
I am unbounded.
I am boundless space.
I am the unbounded deep.
I am the unbounded deep
In whom all living things
Naturally arise,
Rush against each other playfully,
And then subside.
I am the infinite ocean.
I am in all beings.
All beings are in me.
As a wave,
Seething and foaming
Is only water
So all creation
Streaming out of the Self,
Is only the Self.
Know you are the Self.
Know you are one.
You are awareness itself.
You are pure awareness,
The witness of all things.
You are always the same,
Unfathomable awareness,
Limitless and free,
Serene and unperturbed.
Your nature is pure awareness.
You are the clear space of awareness.
You are pure.
Nothing touches you.
You are flowing in all things,
And all things are flowing in you.
You are already fulfilled.
Rest in your own nature.
The world is a magic show.
All things arise,
Suffer change,
And pass away.
This is their nature.
Nothing lasts.
Nothing is real.
Hold on to nothing.
In the shifting elements
See only their pure form.
You are awareness itself,
Never changing.
Know that everything is the Self.
In the ocean of being
There is only one.
There was and there will be
Only one.
Live in the happiness
Of your own nature.
Wherever you go,
Be happy.
Love your true Self,
Which is naturally happy
And peaceful and bright!
The wise man knows the Self,
And he plays the game of life.
He understands the nature of things.
He is pure of heart,
He knows the whole world is only the Self.
Knowing he is the Self,
He acts accordingly.
The master is free of his mind,
And his mind is free.
In this freedom he plays.
He has a wonderful time!
He is constant and pure.
The master goes about his business
With perfect equanimity.
He is the same under all conditions.
His mind is calm.
Always and everywhere
He is one and the same.
The master is like the sky.
He never changes.
The master gathers the fruits of stillness.
He is ever the same.
The victory is his.
He has conquered the world.
He is the embodiment
Of his own perfect essence.
By nature one with the infinite.
The master shines.
Now I live in my heart.
I see the infinite Self.
I see only one.
I am always
One without two.
I am always one.
Consider a piece of cloth.
It is only threads!
In my heart I am one.
I am forever pure.
I am forever still.
What more is there to say?